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Effortless Contract Review

Powered by ThoughtRiver's Lexible Fusion
 AI Engine

We understand that reviewing contracts can be a time-consuming and complex process. That's why we've harnessed the power of AI to bring you Lexible Fusion, the world's most precise legal AI engine.

Two business people shaking hands over a signed contract, representing effortless contract management.
User interface showing contract upload via platform or email, illustrating seamless contract integration.

Seamlessly Upload Your Contracts

Uploading your contract is as easy as a few clicks.

Choose your preferred method - whether it's through your browser, email, or our convenient Microsoft Word add-in.

Our platform is designed to fit into your workflow.

Intelligent Contract Analysis

Enter the era of smart contract analysis. Lexible Fusion is designed to identify key contract information and risks within seconds.

No more endless hours spent reading through lengthy documents. Our AI does the heavy lifting for you, ensuring that no critical details go unnoticed.

Detailed view of an issues list in Microsoft Word, demonstrating intelligent contract analysis.
Contract issues being shared to Microsoft Office Suite for real-time collaboration and feedback.

Collaborate in Real-Time

Communication is key to successful contract negotiation.

ThoughtRiver's platform creates an issues list in mere moments, allowing you to share it with your colleagues for real-time collaboration.

Move the negotiation process forward with unprecedented efficiency as you work together to address key concerns.

Unlock the Power of Digital Contracts

Once the contract is signed, it transforms into a valuable digital asset. Now you can do more than just store it away.

Mine data, gather insights, and support critical business decisions using the wealth of information stored in your digital contracts. 

ThoughtRiver's advanced negotiation workflows enable you to extract maximum value from every contract.

Report dashboard displaying key contract metrics, unlocking the power of digital contracts.

Chanley Howell"ThoughtRiver helps shorten review time without compromising high-quality standards. It also reduces operating expenses and gives general counsel offices greater ability to accurately budget legal costs."

Chanley Howell

Partner at Foley & Lardner LLP

Experience the power of AI in legal reviews with ThoughtRiver

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